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Poppy & Gnosticism 101


This post, as currently written, is from a November 2019 perspective. (Also, I am going to keep editing and expanding on this. It is only partially written so far.)

I would like to outline and acknowledge a particular aspect of the body of work which collectively is thought of as the Poppy Project, which I have not seen given enough credit: Poppy's contribution towards the evolution of religio-philosophical thought, as seen from a Gnostic or Thelemic worldview.

Is Poppy Really Thelemic?

I've been asked this before by serious Thelemites who have only taken a cursory glance at Poppy's work, or by those who are vaguely aware of Western Occultism in a broader sense and are moderately to highly familiar with Poppy's work.

The answer is, in my opinion, that she is at least Thelemic. Or, that that is one valid interpretation of much of her art.

Evidence pointing towards this includes:

  • Her specific choice of Occult Symbols which were displayed on the screens at the concerts during the AIAG? tour.
    • Thelemic Symbols:
      • Unicursal Hexagram.
      • Leviathan Cross (a symbol used for Choronzon.)
      • The 333 form of the Choronzon Symbol, which in its more intricate/detailed forms, often includes the Leviathan Cross multiple times within it.
    • Other Symbols - I'm including these so you can see which proportion of on-screen symbols are Thelemic or Occult compared with those which aren't:
      • Poppy Triangle Logo
      • Three Crosses
      • Hand with Knife
      • The Pill
      • Flames
  • Depictions in Music Videos and Lyrics
    • Choice of Baphomet Posture in Lowlife
    • Pillars, Checkered Floor, Steps & Altar in Bleach Blonde Baby
    • Association of "X" with Blood ("Get me bloody")
    • Language similar to the Thelemic Gnostic Mass in "Voicemail" ("I'm on my own." cf. "I am alone.")
  • Her choices of Bands Toured With, and other associations:
    • Fellow tour band "Bring me the Horizon" uses Thelemic imagery openly.
    • Friend Marilyn Manson credits Crowley as one of his favorite authors and rephrases a line from Liber AL Vel Legis on album "Antichrist Superstar" as well as mentioning the Abbey of Thelema by name in "Misery Machine."
    • Ghostemane speaks about Crowley's infleunce in interviews.
  • Her frequent use of and allusion to the number 11.

How can "Hating Religion" coincide with developing a Religious Philosophy?

What is Classic Gnosticism in a Nutshell?

How has Poppy expanded the ideas of Classic Gnosticism?

The Significance of Baphomet

What is Thelemic Gnosticism

Mysteries, Knowledge and Hidden Messages

How has Poppy expanded the ideas of Thelemic Gnosticism?

Jeff Day
2019-11-29 11:34

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oh! this looks interesting

2020-10-26 08:17
[–][+] Collapsed comment from ♡


I freaking wondered this because of all the references to numbers. The Book Of Thoth is my favourite.

2020-04-20 03:24
[–][+] Collapsed comment from Pixie


As above. So below

2020-03-03 05:33
[–][+] Collapsed comment from Blakq_wolf


Very interesting! I'ma have to look further into Thelema!

2020-01-07 19:06
[–][+] Collapsed comment from Vaida


David Cherubim r.i.p.

The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic was Israel Regardie's last book, the final token of his True Will. Through this book he bequeathed to us the means to carry on the Great Work of the Golden Dawn which, in a nutshell, is Initiation. David Cherubim, The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic Like Likes: 1 Masters are doers of the Word of Thelema. That is, they do their own True Will. And they are willing to pay the price for it. They take the greatest chance of all, that of being their own God, their own Individual, their own Self, and their own Leader and Master in a world of senseless followers and slaves. They accept complete responsibility for their own life and they always strive for excellence, continuously moving in an upward and onward manner, with energy and enthusiasm, discipline and diligence, persistence and power. They are strong, able to turn everything to the advantage of their True Will, and able to endure and surmount all the necessary trials and errors that lead to the fulfillment of their Chosen Path. Nothing is against them; they are not victims, and they make no excuses. David Cherubim, Lucifer's Rebellion: A Tribute to Christopher S. Hyatt

2019-12-09 20:39
[–][+] Collapsed comment from 3y3ovEvE


🙌 #LoVeIsTheLaw

3y3 aM PoPeYe iamwhatiam yukyukyuk ;)

2019-12-09 20:23

agpopstic amulates

2020-02-09 18:59
[–][+] Collapsed comment from 3y3ovEvE
[–][+] Collapsed comment from 3y3ovEvE

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